
The art of Artificial Intelligence.

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VI + DCB = The Best of AAM

Advanced air mobility (AAM) could provide new delivery and passenger transportation options in both urban and rural settings soon. This innovative transportation system will use aircraft with advanced technologies, including electric aircraft or electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace.1 According to Pam Melroy, the Deputy Administrator of NASA, this “systematically revolutionary” next generation of aviation, which will integrate traditional aviation with uncrewed aircraft in a way that is fair, equitable, secure and safe for all, presents a “breathtaking systems engineering problem.”2 Digital…

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Ethics for Data in Artificial Intelligence

Let us start with the common misconception that artificial intelligence is, in itself, only machine learning (ML). The buzzword gained hype for its futuristic automation of algorithmic learning without human intervention. Does this mean that AI has gained consciousness and does not further need the help of humans? Machine learning is brute-forcing intelligence that…

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The Black Box of Artificial Intelligence

We are entering a new age of the industrial revolution. First with the invention of steam engines that paved the way to increased production, second with the discovery of electricity with advances not only in manufacturing but also in communication, third with the introduction of computers, which led to progressive automation, and finally with the emergence of artificial intelligence technology…

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Valmiz™: Taking AI to a Higher Level for Law Firms

Just a few months ago, a lawyer and his New York-based law firm barely dodged sanctions from a judge, after submitting an artificial intelligence (AI) -assisted legal brief that contained six completely fictitious cases. The lawyer had used ChatGPT to help research the brief, but things went awry when the AI’s algorithm hallucinated some of the case law…

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Reframing Human-like Artificial Intelligence

Why do cars have people’s faces? Car grilles and headlights frequently resemble faces. This conventional design makes automobiles appear familiar. Designers may utilize this method to make automobiles appear friendlier. Observe that when an automobile’s design doesn’t follow this pattern, it looks unwelcoming, hostile, and unpleasantly different…

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AI-Integrated Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have several components: 1) human element, 2) command and control, 3) unmanned aircraft, 4) communication data link, 5) payload, and 6) launch and recovery. These, combined, create a UAS. Primarily, we are concerned with the dynamics between three components—the human-in-command, the control, and the aircraft. The unmanned aircraft (UA) can be fixed-wing, rotor-wing, or lighter-than-air without a human on board…

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Intent Accuracy: The Next AI Frontier

Anyone working on artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) is already acquainted with the Chinese Room experiment. Imagine a non-Chinese-speaking person inside a room with English rules and instructions on how to manipulate Chinese symbols. Outside the door, a native speaker slides under it a letter in Chinese, and the man following the instructions will come up with a response according to the rules and instructions and pass it back…

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AI-Aided Election Security

Autopilot in aviation does not mean self-driven aircraft but a sophisticated tool used by pilots to perform the climbs, the cruise, the descends, the approach, and sometimes the landing itself. Actual pilots heavily rely on their autopilot to take real-time accurate down to milliseconds measurements from sensors around the aircraft and do the actual precise calculations. A slight one-degree veering off course would mean landing on a different continent…

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What is AI: A Basic Redefinition

First, a caveat, artificial intelligence (AI) as we know it today is of a completely different species—or is still way far off from the AI in the movies. Nor, the far fetch fantasy of AI overlords slaving the very humans that created them. This is commonplace in the news today trying to hype everything that is AI. Surprisingly, even experts are leaning towards the possibility of this happening even calling a six-month halt to the development of AI. What’s more, given the rudimentary state of AI today, numerous malicious use were already been reported. Would the fear of AI taking over be warranted…

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