
Use Valmiz to solve time-intensive tasks.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Imagine a UAS augmented with Valmiz: it can lighten the operator’s workload, improve situational awareness, and increase UA cooperation. Valmiz can interact and communicate with the pilot which prevents automation surprises. Valmiz’s Augmentive Artificial Intelligence (AAI) helps the operator by giving him more capabilities. It can enhance human-UA cooperation, which will, in turn, improve overall performance and dependability and reduce operator frustration. Ultimately, the goal is not the replace the pilot with a sentient UAS but to unburden the pilot’s workload (both physically and mentally), provide a better understanding and awareness of the current situation (pre, post, and in-flight), and even in the event of the pilot’s loss of control, the augmented automation is trustworthy to complete the task it was given.


The use of Augmentive Artificial Intelligence (AAI) has been increasing in various sectors of society, particularly the pharma industry. This includes drug discovery and development, drug repurposing, improving pharma productivity, and clinical trials, among others; such use reduces the human workload as well as achieving targets in a short period of time. Excaming crosstalk between the tools and techniques utilized in AI, ongoing challenges, and ways to overcome them, along with the future of AAI in the pharma industry.


Augmentative Artificial intelligence (AAI) has the potential to transform how healthcare is delivered, it can support improvements in care outcomes, patient experience and access to healthcare services. It can increase productivity and the efficiency of care delivery and allow healthcare systems to provide more and better care to more people. Valmiz can help improve the experience of healthcare practitioners, enabling them to spend more time in direct patient care along with all financial bookkeeping while reducing burnout.


Current AI systems are prone to hallucinating, which means they sometimes provides confident responses not justified by its training, such as doing something that’s only favorable to the machine itself and the machine’s own survival, both of which may be detrimental to humans. In a defense setting, where militaries cannot afford to have a system that makes wrong guesses, the value proposition of using gated data for a wide range of processes remains critical to operations. Service members need to be able to work with a system that aids them and does not try to one-up them by pretending that it’s in a better position to make life-and-death decisions.


Tapping on its keyword system to provide the base makes Valmiz even more powerful and now functions as a tool that will provide bi-directional communication that ensures the messages conveyed match the user’s intentions. The keyword here is a task-specific tool. Augmentive artificial intelligence is here, to answer the question of importance, users will be allowed to openly express their prompts, queries, and commands that are then parsed by the machine and perform exactly as it was told to do without risking serious machine misinformation.


Augmentive Artificial intelligence (AAI) in finance transforms the way people interact with money. Valmiz helps the financial industry streamline and optimize processes ranging from credit decisions to quantitative trading and financial risk management.


With the rapidly accelerating integration of Augmentive Artificial Intelligence (AAI) in our work, life, and classrooms, educators all over the world are re-evaluating the purpose of education in light of these outsized implications. We see the potential of AAI to accelerate the long overdue transformation of education systems towards inclusive learning that will prepare young people to thrive and shape a better future. At the same time, we see huge opportunities for teachers to use these technologies to enhance their own teaching practice and professional experience.

Election Security

Consider an election aided by AAI. To say the least, it would be free from human error. This would ensure the election system’s integrity by validation (i.e. authenticating voters’ identity). Having an AAI in the verification process can significantly decrease fraud. For example, AAI can be utilized in updating and maintaining the voters’ database against the local civil registry data. It could confirm that the individual is of legal age to vote and be allowed to register. At the same time, confirming voter data and figuring out whether voters have relocated or are no longer eligible. Another validation to consider is for signature verification, comparing specimens on file (which may also include pressure, lifts, strokes, speed, and direction of the signature) verifying its authenticity, and confirming an individual’s identity further increasing security. Cross-referencing the information from the civil register for death records is also an integral part of validation. This will enable states to revoke the voter records of people who have passed away and prevent cheating.


Attorneys could use Valmiz to review actual radiographic imagery provided in discovery, and use its backend analytics to provide valuable insights. Valmiz could compare the imagery, over time, to identify physiological changes in the C-spine, for example. Valmiz captures all the previous incarnations of the area being evaluated. Vera does the comparison, using data in Vela. Vix allows the user to communicate to the system via keywords and bring them together and provide the required result. Thus, instead of just looking at one image at a time, Valmiz could connect the dots over a series of images over the years. This could provide an advantage to a firm’s medical expert, while reducing review time and costs.


Core ethical principles are embedded in Valmiz, a system using multi-agent design, in contrast to contemporary AI, which uses a statistical model that feeds on huge datasets and regurgitates something that only resembles a genuine AI product. For example, some use original creative works without consent to deliver a “new” product. With privacy policies and protocols in mind, Valmiz only processes a client’s own internal, organizational, and raw data to produce an enterprise-level super knowledge base. The major inputs into Valmiz are pre-validated because they come from the organization itself. Due to the nature of how Valmiz operates, we only use data that the client voluntarily provides and validates.


Valmiz could enhance DCB systems through its compounding capabilities by enabling comprehensive and secure data fusion, analysis, and distribution. It could ingest SWIM data, for example, and connect it to other systems to provide actionable intelligence to key UAM stakeholders (PSUs, for example). The information would be up-to-the-minute accurate because Valmiz dynamically continually runs and searches out information based on keywords that the humans give it. With Valmiz, the human is at the center of making critical decisions, while being enhanced with AI. In that way, manual, mundane, and error-prone tasks will be handled by Valmiz.


How can your business take advantage of Valmiz? First, by integrating early. The more Valmiz learns your data the more it can accurately build your knowledge base. Second, all incoming data right after the integration would be properly processed, sorted, stored, and prepared for seamless intelligent data retrieval. Third, likewise, with your business and the created knowledgebase, both grow and expand.

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