Valmiz Pitch Deck Voice Over Script

This document is the voice over script for the pitch deck located at

1. Slide #1

In this presentation, we give you Valmiz—a collection of agent-based knowledge and discovery systems; its components—Xavier, Veda, Vera, and Vela; and the methods, techniques they use to approach the low-hanging fruits of AGI; the principles and concepts which can aid in creating the implementations and structures to facilitate the discovery of early true machine comprehension, with the use of modern computing technology. “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Next slide, please.

2. Slide #2

No amount of raw data is ever going to give a supposedly intelligent system intelligence without addressing the problems of understanding first. Because of Valmiz’s flexibility with volumes in taking arbitrary forms, we can make computations impossible with traditional structures. We devised alternative methods to bridge the gaps between symbolic, sub-symbolic, robotic, and statistical learning. “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Next slide, please.

3. Slide #3

Valmiz converts your raw data into useful information. Valmiz provides a platform that enables consumers to extract, organize, and manage that information. Valmiz’s unique global information augmentation system develops human comprehension from your own data and external sources. Information comes to you and provides you with the answers you are looking for. Valmiz looks for information without being told where to look, accesses public records for evidence, and realizes plagiarism in lyrics or in written text. “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Next slide, please.

4. Slide #4

Valmiz provides two ways to deliver the Valmiz system to customers via Web API and Native API. The Web API uses a standard HTTP protocol and doesn’t require any client libraries for a customer to develop applications for either web- or desktop applications. The second, Native API, is the most efficient way to integrate with Valmiz systems and can be used for heavy data processing and embedded usages like standalone devices that are not connected to the network. Next slide, please.

5. Slide #5

Markets may include, but are not limited to, Cybersecurity, Election Security, Military, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, Payment Solutions, Autonomous Vehicles, and Wireless Energy. Valmiz is a “tool building tool.” Your end-user data will be Powered By Valmiz. Valmiz makes your existing toolboxes better. “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Next slide, please.

6. Slide #6

Valmiz is a system that can find inconsistencies and errors, find holes and discrepancies, reason out about the input data and allow complete transparency while it is running by supporting partial and full updates without interruptions. This proficiency will enable Valmiz to yield a wide range of multiple market shares. These market size examples are computed to 1% of each market share example of potential income. Please go to next slide when you are ready.

Valmiz™ has the potential global income of tens of millions per year to a
maximum of hundreds of millions per year.

It is based on statistics and calculations from the reference link below:

7. Slide #7

When deployed as a service, customers are billed on a monthly or yearly basis. This is the case for most customers. When deployed as on-premises software, the Valmiz systems are installed on your private cloud infrastructure where you get to control how Valmiz is deployed for your company. Next slide, please.

8. Slide #8

For an AI system to approach A-consciousness even remotely, it must be able to communicate bi-directionally with the external world. It must be able to pose questions. It must be curious on its own. Modern AI systems can’t and don’t ask questions of humans or ask humans to fellow machines. They can’t dream. We will change that. We believe “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Next slide, please.

9. Slide #9

Valmiz’s conclusions allow us to calculate how WE can do things differently than the competition! With the use of modern technology, we will reach a degree of consciousness that is sufficient for generating a kind of collective mind using multiple small agents. Valmiz is an AI learning system that will assist in human comprehension of data. Valmiz does comprehensive analysis, and it converts your spreadsheet data to 3D representation in order to interconnect with each other. Next slide, please.

10. Slide #10

Valmiz is ideal for combating any kind of fraud. Therefore, we are looking at Election Fraud and Cybersecurity as initial solutions. Portable computers will be embedded with Valmiz in a pocket form of AI assistance. Valmiz carefully constructs data to see information and other sources to enable end users’ insights and ideas not previously comprehended. “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” Please go to the next slide.

11. Slide #11

Valmiz can improve your company’s productivity because we believe “Your Data is Your Knowledge Base.” To review the Valmiz whitepaper, please click on the ASTN logo on the top left corner of this page, and you will be re-directed to the ASTN website. Thank you for your time and attention during this presentation.

Author: Valmiz, Inc.

Created: 2024-03-15 Fri 14:48